About the event
We are delighted to extend this exclusive invitation to you for an evening that promises both grandeur and mystique—the Femme Fatale Event, held in the historic Betlemska Kaple, a venue that combines unique architecture with a rich cultural heritage. Prepare to be part of an assembly that will affect ALL YOUR SENSES and celebrates the impact and intellect of women and beyond.
The evening will unfold with a lineup of enchanting performances, a gourmet banquet, and exclusive networking opportunities with some very interesting figures from our community.
Your presence will contribute significantly to Rett Community z.s. as they organize a two-week retreat designed to provide respite and support for children with Rett Syndrome and their families.
Our goal for the evening is to raise 500,000 Czk. With the collective efforts of all participants and artists, we are confident we will easily achieve this target, providing significant support and relief to the families aided by the Rett Community z.s.